Global Mentorship Program
SMEs often find it difficult to hire expensive consultants but struggle to keep pace with the changing business environmnet. For this we offer mentoring and consultation services to help our SME members to stay prepared. We have empanneled senior business experts as mentors and nurture relationships between members and mentors for everyone's benefit. This is our effort to help SMEs growing globally and staying in company of mentors who can help all along the way, at just the right time, to lower risk and accelerate success.
Busienss Incubation services
SMEs often find it difficult to hire expensive consultants but struggle to keep pace with the changing business environmnet. For this we offer mentoring and consultation services to help our SME members to stay prepared. We have empanneled senior business experts as mentors and nurture relationships between members and mentors for everyone's benefit. This is our effort to help SMEs growing globally and staying in company of mentors who can help all along the way, at just the right time, to lower risk and accelerate success.
We believe in global patnerships and have partnerships woth various global entities. Some of the partnerships are-
Indo Africa Pulses Council
This is a premier business advocacy organization for pulses sector, dedicated to strengthening the trade of pulses between the African countries and India. The Council’s primary mission is to serve as the direct link between businesses and between business and governments.
Start ups in India Promotion Council
The role of this council is to create a dynamic ecosystem that promots entrepreneurship in India. We, through this council want to help Start-ups in developing Business Partnerships, Converting business Ideas into business plans. The Council will, thorugh the wide range of Mentros, help the Start ups have strong busienss expericne to their disposal for converting start ups into successful busienss entities.
CEO Weekend Club
This is a business club that the CEOs of the SMEs can use to establish new business contacts, discuss business ideas and concepts, investors and business partners from various potential sectors in a more informal setting. The club has meetings once every month on a Friday morning and discuss the busienss over a cup of coffee! During these meetigns, we also invite government officials and industry experts for informal discussions and networking.